PCG Enforces A Mandate
Iligan City –The Iligan Bay Coast Guard enforces a mandate to Eastern Iligan Bay and Northern Mindanao fisher folks and all watercraft owners to register their boats to the Coastguard for some security numbering system. The Coastguard Security Numbering System (CSNS) is a provision in the National Coastguard Law stipulated in the Philippine Coast Guard Memorandum Circular No. 2017-001 dated 31 March 2017 also known as Safety, Security and Environmental Numbering (SSEN) System for all Philippine Registered Vessels and/or watercrafts. Under Penalties and Sanctions Sections, failure to register under SSEN, a written warning shall be issued to the first offender and a corresponding affidavit of undertaking should be submitted to concerned coastguard unit prior release. For the second offender, a detention and be released only upon compliance.
“Each town may designate for its own boat numbering. The same boat number will be submitted to the Coastguard. The boat registration is free of charge. Those boats without registration number will be confiscated by us!” – (Janet S. Braza with LCDR Alberto T Ferre, PCG)