Letter of Invites for Brother Bobby

May 5, 2013

Bro Gibriel Nanaman
Living Spring Academy
Iligan City

Dear  Bro Bobby:            
Greetings of Peace!
I am Ms. Janet S. Braza, a resident of Tipanoy, this city. I am both a member of the Art Association of the Philippines (AAP) and the Philippine Art Educators, Association (PAEA) since 1996 and 2010, respectively. At present, I am PAEA’s Art Coordinator for Region 10.
PAEA is a non-government organization created to promote education through arts in schools. Its membership is drawn mostly from the academic sector (private and public schools), artists, and cultural workers. It is PAEA’s commitment to reach out to all educators who are teaching arts and culture.
As part of the PAEA’s 45th Anniversary Program, we will be conducting art education conferences for school teachers, counselors, club moderators, and the like. Hence, I am earnestly requesting you to encourage your teachers to attend to a one-day seminar on “Discipline-Based Art Education,” Its importance for local art and culture processes that involves in teaching art in K 12 curriculum. The registration fee is PHP500 inclusive of snacks, lunch, conference kit, art materials, and certificate.  The first 20 registrants will be automatically registered as member of PAEA.
I am looking forward to the realization and success of this endeavor as we continue to teach our children in a disciplined more responsive and engaged citizens of our time.

Very respectfully yours,

Janet S. Braza
Art Coordinator



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