Improving Your Success in Every Chosen Endeavour

Success in every endeavour is contingent upon your emotional state and upon your best performance in that endeavour. By practicing and improving your Emotional Intelligence through our program, you can reach out to others spontaneously and they, in turn, embrace you. By then, your success in any endeavour is thus improved and ensured.

Life Crossroads

When people experience changes like when they switch professions, move to new locations, suffer from loss, or when their contracts expire, they find themselves in a crossroad—anxious, afraid, and uncertain how to proceed. In this program, you will learn to utilize your internal wisdom to choose the best path for your future with joy and satisfaction.

Emotional Fitness-Room

Working people spend hours at work for belongingness, money, and power. At work, you need emotional strength and flexibility to succeed. In our Fitness Room your professionalism, which will make money, influence, and fast track your promotion, is seen. We will teach you not to offend and not to be offended by others looking for the same benefits.

Gain More Clients with Emotional Intelligence Coaching

Merchants, lawyers, doctors, architects--anyone whose profession provides services to clients must have expertise and emotional intelligence to succeed. Emotional intelligence includes human connection, emotional power, decency and respect for the time and money of their clients. This program is a result of extensive work with professionals who earn money through providing services.

Management Weaknesses

We can buy people’s time. We can even buy their presence at a certain place. But we can’t buy excitement. We can’t buy loyalty and devotion of authentic, dependable, reliable, credible, trustworthy people. You have to be worthy for all those attributes. This program will teach you to be a manager who is WORTH IT!

Create the Best Body You Deserve

What to eat? How to dress? Which cosmetics to use? Endless information! With our program you can transform this information to knowledge to yield the best body you deserve. This program will lead you to your sacred, emotional world where you will use your knowledge and internal wisdom to invest for your body’s nourishment.

Advantages of Socially Shy People

In modern society, shy people are unknown. With Emotional Intelligence coaching, shy people can move and mingle in a whole new way with every crowd. Through coaching you will be able to choose the amount and the depth of your interaction with different individuals. The benefits will be mutual for all of you involved.

To Fall in Love Again

Being human gives you the right to fall in love and to be loved. But what is love? How will you project this? How can you resurrect love that has vanished? This program will lead you how to fall in love and will provide logic to your emotions bringing the best mutual behaviour for your life.

The Unbearable Easiness of Parenthood

If you want to create a fair, loving relationship for your 2 or 32 year-old child, you will learn it through this program where you will be coached on one child. If you have 20 children, all will benefit from coaching. After coaching, you create mutual life support from within or without, through fair and loving relationships.

The Rights of the Parents for Love

The Ten Commandments ordered us to honor our parents so we can have long life. The Torah accords parents with honor, not love. Parents sometimes don’t know how to love children. Nevertheless, love between them is necessary in strengthening self-confidence--the basis of human nature. This course is for all children—to love their parents, alive or dead.

1. Improving Your Success in Every Chosen Endeavour
The ability to concentrate on the process of preparing for success in every endeavour is first contingent upon your emotional state. The second is to perform at your best at the time of that endeavour.  If you want to be successful in both, practice with our program is necessary. It’s not enough just to be well-informed about people and the circumstances surrounding the chosen endeavour. By improving Emotional Intelligence through this program, you will reach others in a spontaneous and original way and will be embraced by others. This means you can improve your success in any performance you choose.
2. Life Crossroads 
Oftentimes, people experience changes when switching to other professions, moving to new locations, finishing projects, sudden termination of contracts (private or business), situations of dramatic loss and wherever a person feels he must start a new life. In these situations a person might find himself stuck at a crossroad. This can create anxiety in individuals, causing them to be afraid of repeating mistakes from the past, leaving them stuck and uncertain how to proceed. With this program you will learn to utilize your internal wisdom to choose the best path so that your future will be one of joy and satisfaction.
3. Emotional Fitness-Room
Many people spend many hours in the work environment. A working person has three benefits: first is money, second is the power to influence, and third is belonging to the organization. In your workplace you have other people around you who look for the same benefits. How do you create mutual benefits? You need emotional strength and flexibility to create both personal and mutual success at the same time.
We will teach you not to offend and how not to be offended by others. In our Fitness Room you will gain emotional strength and flexibility, which will allow you professionalism to be seen by others. This will create more money and more influence for you and also fast track you for promotion with in your organization.

5. Management Weaknesses

We can buy people’s time, we can buy people’s presence at a certain place, we can even buy muscle movement measured by hour, but we can’t buy excitement. We can’t buy loyality. We can’t buy the devotion of reliable, dependable, authentic, trustworthy, credible, believable people. For all those attributes you have to be worth it.
This program will teach you to be a manager who is WORTH IT!

6. Create the Best Body You Deserve

How to dress? What to eat? What supplements to take? Which cosmetics to use? Endless information around you, but your personal results do not reflect this knowledge. You can transfer some of this information to knowledge, but you still have difficulty processing this knowledge to yield the best body you deserve.
This program will lead you intellectually to your sacred, emotional world where you will be able to use your knowledge and internal wisdom to invest in the nourishment of your body.

7. Advantages of Socially Shy People

In modern society, the shy people are sentenced to be anonymous. With Emotional Intelligence coading, shy people can moved and mingle in a whole new way in every crowd.
Through the coaching yow will be able to choose the amount and the depths of your interaction with different individuals in a crowd. The benefits will be mutual for all involved.

8. To Fall in Love Again

Just being human gives you the rights, benefits and privileges of love; in loving and in being in loved by other human beings. But what is the meaning of I love? How will you create this feeling? How will you project the feeling to someone else? How can you resurrect love that has vanished from your life? This intelligence program will bring logic to your emotional movement, bringing about the best mutual behaviour for a loving and vibrant life. The program will lead you to feel the felling of love agian.

9. The Unbearable Easiness of Parenthood

Whether you have a 2 or a 32 year-old child and you want to create a fair and loving relationship for both your sakes, you will learn how to with this program. After coaching, family members create mutual life support, from indoors to outdoors, through fair and loving relationships. In the program you will be coached on one child, however, even if you have 20 children they will all benefit from coaching.

10. The Rights of the Parents for Love

In the Ten Commandments we are commanded to honor our father and mother so we can have a long life. The Torah credits parents with honor but doesn’t refer to love. Education as to the meaning of love is in parents hands. Sometimes parents don’t know how to love their children however love between children and their parents is necessary for strengthening self confidence, the basis of human nature.
This course is for children of all ages, in how to love their parents, whether alive or dead.



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