Reminders for The Lenten Seasons
To All the Christians Around The World Within the Interfaith
The Cross Work for Justification
· Dying and of Unification/ reconciliation to the Father (buried and raised to Newness of Life in Him.
· Dying-rising life He lives in with and by us in our priesthood ministry for the world
Chapters I, II, III to 20 + our past
v.21 but now- a new way which is by faith
god expe4cting us to be righteous by receiving His Grace (freely provision).
God has shown us a different way to heaven, a righteousness 1.) It comes from the declaration of God
2.) idea of His righteousness:
You can be righteous if God works (it works with our shoulder)
In the since of integrity of character or attribute of God.
6:24, 25i..e. = the Law concerning Sabbath God gives it only one law about Sabbath yet the lawmakers (the Jews) made it 15:21 laws of Sabbath.
Justification = is the sovereign act of God, being justified-
= is that man rather acquitted of His case through believing Jesus Christ
= the bases of His blood.
Colossians 2:14 “ Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out the way, nailing it to His Cross.
The Law will make you worst = it is contrary against us- (1 Corinthians 15:56) in the righteousness of God all sins are being sanctified (sanctification)- through believing the Son.