Nurse No Rest
Nurses’ 40 Hour-Duty in Six Days
Iligan City --- One of the city’s hospitals and institutions here has a number one topnotch in the recent Philippine Nursing Board Exam, RN Clarie Morales Bontol. She wishes to serve her city by being an employee to her alma mater. Sangyaw hopes that she will not complain later after her few weeks, months, or years in service.
Most hospital has a PM:7am-3pm, AM: 3pm-11pm, and Night:11pm-7am working shifts without rest hours to its nurses, nursing aids, and midwives, thus making them serve 40-hours per week as mandated by the labor code___________. This makes 8-hours per day but some hospital institutions made it beyond the mandate. Nurses in a certain hospital of the city have six working days per week with one day rest. Because of this kind of work condition, they are susceptible to get sick too. In fact, in a certain city hospital, some nurses on duty are also sick like their patients.
Nursing, as we know, are white collar job that gains above basic salary, but nurses are human beings that need rest. They need rest to attain their patients well. Some patients-costumers complain since some nurses do not have presence of mind. They now shout at their patients or talk back against them. Something is wrong with the management of the hospital. Their nurses become disrespectful if not discourteous.