GMFOODS ഫുഡ്സ്

This is a tricky one. GM (genetically modified) foods have not been conclusively proved to cause damage heath, but the public is concerned enough to have demanded that they are adequately labeled and, in many cases are withdrawn.
Genetic modification involves isolating and identifying a gene that produces a desired characteristic. This gene is copied and then inserted into another spices. the idea is that the very aspects of plants (or even animals and humans!) can be fitted together like a jigsaw to produce the ideal product. For example scientists have produced tomatoes that doesn’t rot, insect proof corn and potatoes and a host of other goodies, the best known which is soy bean.
Soy beans are processed into oil and flour—and then used in 60% of processed foods, including cooking oils, margarines, salad dressings sauces, bread, cookies, cakes, pizzas, noodles, ice creams and alternatives to dairy products, such as soy sauce, tofu, tempeh and miso.
Americans want genetically engineered foods to be labeled in order to avoid buying them.
· An increasing number of us suffer from allergies, and that number is growing all the time. Allergies are often caused by proteins, and genetic engineering results I new products. Gene foods could trigger allergic reactions (some serious enough to cause death). Or they could encourage susceptibility to more allergens. Again, we don’t know for sure; the argument is not simple.
· GM foods don’t focus on nutrition, and there is a real worry that we may end up with beautiful, quick growing plants that have no nutritional value.
· GM amino acid is believed to have produced a powerful toxin that reportedly killed at least 37 people in the U.S. and permanently disabled up to 1,500 others.
· All plants contain their own toxins, which our bodies deal with adequately. We don’t know what genetic modification will do to toxins in plants, and there is a very real concern that they could raise them to unacceptable levels, or alter them so that they become much more dangerous.
· We don’t benefit from GM foods; the manufacturers and producers do. It’s always necessary to be concerned about issues where there is big money at stake for the manufacturers.
The worst is—GM foods could destroy our natural environment, and once we’ve gone down this route, it’s impossible to go back. Any mistakes are out there, transferred by pollen, animals, birds, water and the like, and we can’t reverse the damage. We could be breeding super-pests, by creating plants that are pest-resistant or anti-biotic-resistant; we are altering the very structure of plants at top speed, and without anywhere near adequate testing. Even organic foods can be affected, if they are, for example, down wind from GM crops. The ramification of that could be massive.
@ Janet Braza
Foods likely to contain GM Foods
Always reads the label. Many manufacturers are taking great pains to remove GM ingredients from their products. If it says GM-free, it is. The following may not be:
· Reduced-fat and “light” foods. Cooking oils, margarines and spreads
· Ready prepared sandwiches, meals, prepared pasta and noodles
· Anything containing soy or soymilk (including tofu)
· Burgers, meatloaf, sausages, sausage rolls, pies, hot dogs, cooked slice meats, pastries and quiche
· Frozen yogurts, flavored yogurts, ice cream and other desserts
· Cookies, cakes, chocolate, and candy
· Processed meat, fish, poultry or vegetarian foods, such as fish sticks, veggie burgers and chicken nuggets
· Store bought (usually takeout) pizzas
· Dried fruits, canned and dried soups, potato chips, tortilla chips ,and popcorn
· Soft drinks, hot chocolates and some coffees
· Processed foods from the U.S. (where genetic modification is worth billions of dollars every year, and where no restraints or labeling practices are in place)
Too much is unknown. GM foods are not natural and they have the potential to cause harm. Don’t take a risk. Avoid GM products wherever possible. Organic food is GM –free (and will hopefully stay that way), Eat organic wherever possible, or look for labels that state “GM –free.” GM _free products are increasing all the time, especially in Iligan City –our church the Roman Catholic and Evangelical Churches are implementing and doing their advocacy in producing organic related products.

About Leptospirosis

As of October 27, 2009 there are 2,725 confirmed cases of leptospirosis with 199 casualties as reported by the National Epidemiology Center. These cases were reported in 5 regions including 15 hospitals and medical centers (government and private) in Metro Manila alone. The most number of cases were treated in San Lorenzo Hospital (436 patients), Quirino Memorial Medical Center (371) and East Avenue Medical center (287).
Leptospirosis is acquired not only from absorbing contaminated floodwaters through cuts in the skin but also by swallowing the bacteria directly from water or through food. Although the disease is commonly associated with rat urine, infection can also come from animals like cattle, pigs, horses, dogs, and wild animals.
The disease incubation period is from seven to 12 days after exposure. However, symptoms may appear suddenly as early as four days after exposure, or at late as 21 days or even a month. Leptospirosis affects humans and animals.
In humans, leptospirosis infection causes a wide range of symptoms, but some infected persons may have no symptoms at all. It is a disease that comes in two phases. It begins with flu like symptoms (fever, chills, muscle pain, intense headache). The first face resolves, and the patient briefly asymptomatic until the second phase begins. This is characterized by meningitis, liver damage (causing jaundice), and renal failure. Death may also occur.
The leptospirosis bacteria live in freshwater and are killed immediately by heat, disinfectant, acids and alkalis. Thus, Secretary Francisco T. Duque urged anyone working in floodwater to protect any broken skin by using boots and preventing floodwater from entering their mouth. All drinking water should be brought to a rolling boil for at least five minutes and preferably up to 20 minutes, according to the World Health Organization guidelines. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be washed in clean water first before peeling, cooking and eating. (DOH)


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