A Letter fr Rev Bishop Efraim Tenorio

December 22, 2011

The people of Cagayan de Oro, Iligan and Dumaguete cities were caught unprepared as Typhoon Sendong struck last week. As one month’s worth of rainfall poured in one day, water, mud and illegally-cut logs from nearby mountains came like battering ram, sweeping communities in an instant.

The deluge ...left more than 1,000 dead (with bodies still unidentified), 51 missing, and close to Php1 billion properties damaged as of press time. Even funeral homes experienced a shortage of supply in materials because of such great number of fatalities.

About 48, 920 families have lost their homes and almost 10,000 of which are staying in overcrowded evacuation centers with threats of epidemics because of poor sanitary conditions.

Direly in need of food, drinking water, clothing and medicine, survivors are barely recuperating from the disaster. As a preliminary response, through PHILRADS, we have mobilized our member churches and volunteers to help distribute food, mats and blankets to those staying in evacuation centers. Partners also shared monetary resources and prayers.

For our part, we at PCEC/PHILRADS cancelled our much-anticipated staff Christmas Party this year and instead spent time in prayer and donated the party expenses to the flood victims. But the need is far greater.
We therefore humbly ask you to partner in helping restore the lives of our struggling countrymen by fervently praying and/or giving any amount or donation.

Should the Lord lead you to give,

kindly deposit to PHILRADS account at Banco de Oro Anonas-Kamias Branch (SA No. 3980000251 for Peso deposits,
or SA No. 103980032226 for US Dollar deposits).

This Christmas, together with our prayers, let us concretely share our acts of love to help people cope with the ensuing pain and loss and recover from the devastating effects of the destructive typhoon.

Bishop Ef Tendero



Anonymous said…
Who wrote this letter, Rev. Tenorio or Rev. Tendero?

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